Covid-19 Information

Thank you for your continued understanding and support as we work together to navigate through this pandemic. It is a privilege to continue to care for your children and we want to assure families that these measures are in place for the safety of the children in our care as well as our staff.

Everyone has a responsibility to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community by wearing a mask, following physical distancing requirements, and following health unit advice and isolation requirements when ill, especially if the illness includes any of the symptoms that are common symptoms of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Policies:

Updated as of December 02, 2021 please note that this policy changes often as new information and safety regulations are provided to us about COVID-19. Please do not rely on a previously downloaded version. For accurate information please visit this website and read from the link below for up-to-date information

Covid 19 Policy and Procedures December 2021

Daily Active Screening is Mandatory:

To determine if your child should be going to Daycare each day, please complete the Government of Ontario screening tool online. This tool will also inform you of next steps if your child or someone in your household has a symptom. Link to the Government of Ontario online screening tool for school / child care: COVID-19 school screening (

As of Monday April 19th, 2021, we implemented active daily screening at the Daycare to help us track the results from the Government of Ontario Screening Tool. This means that every child must be screened using the link provided below before you can drop your child off each morning. If your child is not going to attend daycare for any reason, please continue to notify the classroom teacher as this screening tool is not used for attendance purposes.

Daily Active Screening Link for Daycare:

Attestation Form –
Child Returning to Daycare OR School Age Program Following
an Illness:

In order to confirm compliance with health and safety protocols related to COVID-19, this form is to be used by parents/guardians PRIOR to a student returning to daycare following an illness. If you have more than one child who was absent, please complete one form per child.

You will receive a message via Sandbox to notify when your child is approved to come back to daycare. Please note that if you are submitting this form after 5:00 PM the day prior to return, you will not be able to drop your child off at daycare until 9:00 AM the following day. This allows us time to receive and review all forms. We understand that parents are eager to get back to work and daily routines, therefore we will make this our top priority each morning.

Daycare Attestation Form:

Before and After Care Attestation Form:

Summary from the SMDHU Regarding Staff and Vaccines:

Please read the following document for the rules and regulations regarding vaccines and PPE for Child Care Staff: